Landowner-Initiated Petitions
Petitions are used by landowners requesting capital improvements such as road paving or for requesting a "no-pave" restriction on a roadway. Landowners interested in road or other capital improvements or no paving requests must contact the District office and will be referred to the District Engineer for project review prior to issuing the District's authorized petition form.
As of March 16, 2023 the Board of Supervisors has established a Petition Review Fee of $400 for roadway segments 0.5 mile or less and $800 for over 0.5 miles. The fee applies to both road paving and "no pave" petitions. Petitions must be submitted to the District office, along with the review fee, by April 30th of each year.
If more than 50% of the landowners on a roadway or roadway segment request a road paving improvement and it is approved by the board to go to referendum, at least 90% of the affected landowners must be in favor for the project to proceed. Landowners would either be assessed on a per parcel bass through District financing, or the estimated costs for the project may be paid in full by landowners prior to the project being added to a Plan of Improvement. Currently District financing of projects is typically from 10 to 15 years depending on market conditions. For roadway improvements with asphalt, estimated costs in 2025 are between $3,500 and $5,250 per parcel per year, depending on design and construction costs and financing.
For details on requirements on Petitions, please see the Policies and Procedures Manual.
Current Petitions
Any petitions received through the end of April will be listed here.