Road Maintenance
District landowners are assessed each year for road maintenance - this includes both surfaced and unsurfaced roads. There are currently over 96 miles of hard-surfaced roads in the District - either paved to Palm Beach County asphalt standards or open-graded emulsified mix. In addition, there are over 92 miles of unpaved dirt roads to be maintained within the District.
Palm Beach County contracts with the District to provide some services, such as the placement and replacement of road signs. Law enforcement is provided by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department. Any concerns or questions regarding speeding or other traffic offenses should be addressed to the Sheriff's office.
To accomplish the major responsibilities of dirt road maintenance, South Indian River Water Control District uses several heavy pieces of equipment such as graders and tractors that operate throughout the District. All District dirt roads are graded as needed and when soil moisture conditions facilitate road improvement. When needed, material is brought in to stabilize the road surface. Road shoulder "pull-ins" are done when ponding develops within the road after rainfall events, the road is recontoured to restore the crown for improved travel smoothness and stormwater runoff. Traffic volume, weather conditions, mechanical failure, priority emergencies, or personnel availability may alter the schedule without notice.
Maintenance of the District's asphalt and open-graded emulsified mix roads are done as conditions warrant resurfacing or patching.
A major responsibility of the District is maintaining the approximate 400 miles of swales along the roadways. Residents provide assistance to the District by maintaining the swales fronting their property. It is important to keep these swales free of debris so as not to hinder the normal gravity flow following periods of heavy rainfall. For more information, please see our Stormwater Management page.