Septic Systems in the District
Though not under the direct purview of South Indian River Water Control District, we encourage all landowners to keep septic systems in good working order to help maintain the water quality for our area. Both the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental Health, which is charged with regulating, permitting and monitoring proper on-site sewage treatment and disposal and is responsible for reviewing plans for septic systems and private wells, as well as Environmental Protection Agency offer tips and guidance on maintaining home septic systems.
Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems, commonly referred to as septic systems, are a safe and effective means of wastewater disposal for 30 percent of Florida’s population. With an estimated 2.6 million systems in operation, Florida represents 12 percent of the United States’ septic systems. Properly designed, constructed, and maintained systems protect Florida’s ground water which provides 90 percent of Florida’s drinking water. Permitting and inspection of septic systems are handled by the Environmental Health Section of the Florida Department of Health in each county.
Did you know that homeowners should generally have their system inspected every three years by a qualified professional and pumped every three to five years as per state recommendations? Are you aware that you should not pour household products, such as cleansers, medicine, paint and lawn care products down the drain as these items can pollute groundwater, which supplies your drinking water, or surface waters and may end up in your local rivers, lakes and coastal waters? Did you know that using a kitchen sink garbage disposal on a regular basis to dispose of many types of food by-products can be harmful to a septic system?
For your reference, we have provided links related to septic systems and their maintenance.
Resources on Septic Systems
Environmental Protection Agency - Onsite/Decentralized Septic Systems
Environmental Protection Agency - How Your Septic System Works
Environmental Protection Agency - How to Care for Your Septic System
Environmental Protection Agency - Why Maintain Your Septic System
Florida Department of Health – Palm Beach County Septic Tanks and Private Drinking Water Wells
Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Onsite Sewage (Septic) Systems
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